The 34 Proven Places To Find Kentucky Geodes in 2025

By Keith Jackson - Geologist

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The 34 Proven Places To Find Kentucky Geodes in 2025

By Keith Jackson - Geologist


While this just might be the best state in the nation to do it, finding geodes in Kentucky isn’t always easy! This is a BIG state and not every county or location is great for this. Fortunately, we’ve put together the best list of locations to find Kentucky geodes that you will find.

Nothing really beats the thrill of spending time outdoors and finding that perfect geode that you’ve been searching for all these years. After spending many days with both great success and striking out we’ve figured out how to make the most of your time searching.

Whether you’re a hiker who likes grazing as you go or someone who prefers digging for geodes we’ve got some recommendations that will help.

What Are Kentucky Geodes Anyway?

A beautiful geode similar to those found in Kentucky

A geode is a spherical or egg-shaped rock that is hollow on the inside. The hollow core is usually lined with crystals of quartz, amethyst, agate, or other minerals. The crystals form in a variety of shapes and colors, giving each geode its own unique appearance and can range in size from a few inches to several feet in diameter.

We have also put together a guide on how to identify a geode if you’re looking for a more in-depth explanation.

Geodes are formed when hot volcanic ash or sediment is trapped inside of a gas bubble which slowly cools and hardens over time. As the bubble cools, minerals from the surrounding rock seep into the bubble and form the crystals that line the interior of the geode. The unique geology of Kentucky makes geode formation pretty easy.

The Types Of Geodes Found In Kentucky

There are several different types of geodes found around the world. What it looks like and what a geode is worth depends a lot on what type of crystal it’s made from. Here in Kentucky, you will be able to find:

  • Calcite geodes
  • Chalcedony geodes
  • Quartz geodes
How We Found The Best Geode Locations in Kentucky
When it comes to choosing the best options for finding Kentucky geodes there are plenty of things we consider. Many of the best locations are closely guarded secrets which can make it really difficult for more casual geode hunters to find success. The key factors in our recommendations are:

  • The deep experience and understanding of our team about the area
  • Recommendations from local groups and clubs
  • How easy it is to get the a particular location
  • Safety and potential hazards when collecting
  • Weighing private and public locations
  • The ability for both experienced and novice geode enthusiasts to find great samples

With these factors in mind we’ve been able to put together a fantastic list that just about anyone can use!

The Best Places To Find Geodes in Kentucky

White quartz geode that is almost completely filled

To start things off we’re going to share our absolute favorite places to find Kentucky geodes. There are plenty of great places to mine gems in Kentucky but only a few of them are great for what we’re after. Some of these places are not very well known but they have been consistently good options when we’ve been searching.

Always Confirm Access and Collection Rules!

Before heading out to any of the locations on our list you need to confirm access requirements and collection rules for both public and private locations directly with the location. We haven’t personally verified every location and the access requirements and collection rules often change without notice.

Many of the locations we mention will not allow collecting but are still great places for those who love to find beautiful rocks and minerals in the wild without keeping them. We also can’t guarantee you will find anything in these locations since they are constantly changing. 

Always get updated information directly from the source ahead of time to ensure responsible rockhounding. If you want even more current options it’s always a good idea to contact local rock and mineral clubs and groups

The banks and bends of the Green River

A geode hunting beach along the Green River

The Green River is a 733-mile long tributary of the Ohio River that flows through Kentucky. It is one of the most important rivers in the state, providing drinking water for over one million people, and serving as an important transportation route for industry and recreation. It’s also one of the best places we’ve found to find geodes.

It has also been designated a National Wild and Scenic River which means there are plenty of places to explore that haven’t been developed. Pay particular attention to the banks and bends of the river, especially when they have dried out, when searching for geodes. The river’s watershed supports a variety of industries such as coal mining, timber harvesting, tourism, and agriculture which often include activities that dig up the ground and expose geodes.

Before you bring anything home with you make sure that you’ve read up on the most recent collection guidelines from the State of Kentucky.

Where we found geodes on The Green River

Pay special attention to any dry areas near the banks and bends of the river. The river is constantly digging up and redepositing new geodes. The best times to find them can be after big rains and during droughts when new areas of the river are exposed.


While you're out searching for Geodes you're going to find a lot of other interesting rocks and minerals along the way. The last thing you want to do is toss out something really interesting or valuable. It can be easy to misidentify things without a little guidance.

We've put together a fantastic field guide that makes identifying 140 of the most interesting and valuable rocks and minerals you will find REALLY EASY. It's simple to use, really durable, and will allow you to identify just about any rock and mineral you come across. Make sure you bring it along on your hunt!

Rockcastle County

Now, recommending an entire county can be pretty bold but there are several really great spots in Rockcastle County that are worth mentioning. Rockcastle is located in the southeastern part of the state and is situated between two mountain ranges, the Cumberland and Pine Mountains.

The area was originally inhabited by Native Americans and was later explored by Daniel Boone in 1769. The county was formed in 1810 from parts of Lincoln and Pulaski counties. Rockcastle County has a rich history with many multiple state parks that are fun to hunt for geodes in.

The economy of Rockcastle County is primarily based on agriculture and forestry which often turn up the ground and offer opportunities to find geodes.

Where we found geodes in Rockcastle County

While you can find geodes all over the county there are a few spots that are particularly good:

  • The Boone area around the abandoned limestone quarry
  • Along Roundstone Creek, especially when the water is low
  • All along the road cut for US-25 toward Mount Vernon
  • The West Side of Mount Vernon around the Kentucky Stone Company Quarry
  • Around Mullins State, especially near the Kentucky Stone Company Quarry

Kentucky Lake

Kentucky Lake is a man-made lake located in the western part of the state that was created by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in 1944 when they dammed the Tennessee River in order to create a hydroelectric power plant. It is the largest artificial lake east of the Mississippi River and covers over 160,000 acres and is bordered by four counties – Marshall, Lyon, Calloway, and Trigg.

The area around Kentucky Lake has several state parks and wildlife management areas which provide plenty of opportunities for exploring and searching for geodes.

Where we found geodes at Kentucky Lake

The best area that we’ve found to find geodes has been on the south shore of the lake in Fenton County. We’ve had the best luck during dryer periods when the lake is low as well as after bigger storms.

The eastern shore of the lake can also be a good option.

Lincoln County

Lincoln County is another big area that has been great for locating geodes. Located in central Kentucky it’s home to the cities of Stanford and Hustonville.

The geology of Lincoln County is dominated by sedimentary rocks from the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian periods. The area contains limestone and shale formations that have been quarried for building material which has also left several mine dumps worth exploring. Additionally, there are deposits of coal in the county that are mined for energy production which also produce dumps worth exploring.

In terms of natural features, Lincoln County contains a variety of lakes and rivers including Herrington Lake, which is the largest man-made lake east of the Mississippi River. There are also numerous creeks throughout the county such as Dix River and Hanging Fork Creek that feed into larger bodies of water.

Where we found geodes in Lincoln County

While you can find geodes all over the county there have been a few spots that we have found to be especially good:

  • The dry creek beds south of Crab Orchard Road in Crab Orchard
  • The Halls Gap area downstream from the headwaters of the Green River
  • The mine dumps of the various abandoned quarries

Madison County

Located in the heart of Kentucky, Madison County is part of the Bluegrass Region. Like other areas in the region, the geology here includes limestone, shale, and sandstone formations that were deposited during several periods of time in Earth’s history. The oldest rocks are from the Ordovician Period (500 million years ago)during which shallow seas covered much of Kentucky creating an environment that was ideal for coral reefs. These corals left behind a thick layer of limestone which can be seen throughout Madison County today.

In addition to these Ordovician limestones, Madison County also contains Silurian shales which were deposited during a time when shallow seas advanced and retreated across Kentucky leaving behind mud deposits that eventually turned into shale.

Overall Madison County has a diverse geology that has been very condusive to the creation of geodes. This geology has provided many resources over time including coal and oil deposits which have been mined well as valuable construction materials such as limestone which has been used for buildings and roads throughout the county. The leftover dumps from these mines can also be productive areas to find geodes.

Where we found geodes in Madison County

Anywhere you go in the county you’re probably not to far from a geode but there are a few places you should try first:

  • The road cuts around Berea southeast on 25
  • Mine dumps from the old and abandoned mines
  • Dry streams and banks when the water is low

Other Great Places To Dig For Kentucky Geodes

A small geode that is common in Kentucky

Now that we have given you our favorite spots we wanted to give you the rest of our recommended spots. We’ll give you our recommendations by county and then some more general locations where we’ve had a lot of luck. For any recommendation where we say “county wide” we will provide more specific recommendations in the following section.

Our recommendations by county

County Location
Adair County wide
Adair The Shamrock Stone Company around Columbia
Allen Scottsville area quarries
Anderson County Wide
Barren Cave City area quarries
Barren Streams east of Glasgow
Boyle County wide
Clark County wide
Estill County wide
Fayette County wide
Garrard County wide
Hardin Elizabethtown area quarries
Hardin Vine Grove area quarries
Jefferson Road cuts around Muldraughs Hill in Valley Station
Jefferson Beds and banks along the Green River near Hall’s Gap
Jessamine County wide
Lincoln County wide
Lincoln Dry creekbeds south fo Crab Orchard Road in Crab Orchard
Lincoln The Green River around Halls’ Gap South of Stanford
Lyon The east shore of Kentucky Lake and in county road cuts
Lyon The State Quarry near the Kentucky Dam
Madison County wide
Madison The road cuts on US 25 headed southest from Berea
Mercer County wide
Monroe Quarries and excavations around Tompkinsville
Powell County wide
Rockastle County wide
Rockcastle Abandoned limestone quarry around Boone
Rockcastle Roundstone Creek
Rockcastle Road cuts along US 25 to Mount Vernon
Rockcastle The Kentucky Stone Company Quarry to the west of Mount Vernon
The Kentucky State Stone Company Quarry near Mullins State County wide
Trigg The Fenton area on the south shore of Kentucky Lake
Woodford County wide

Additional areas you should try

In many of our recommendations you will see us say “county wide”. That’s a REALLY big area to seach for geodes in so we want to help you narrow things down. In Kentucky there are a few key locations you should look for near you that tend to be geode magnets:

Creeks and rivers

Creeks and rivers are great places to find geodes due to the constant flow of water which erodes the surrounding rock, revealing geodes that may have been buried underground. This water flow also helps to break open the geodes, making them easier to find and collect.

They will also often flow through areas where geodes are commonly found, such as volcanic ash beds or limestone formations. It’s also a lot more fun (and cooler) and easy way to collect geodes without having to dig deep into the ground.


Lakes can make finding geodes a lot easier (especially if the lake is deep) and there is a better chance that the geodes are well preserved. The water in the lake can help preserve geodes and make it harder for other natural elements to erode them.

Another reason why lakes are great for finding geodes is that they often form in volcanic ash or limestone formations, which are known for containing geodes.

Road cuts

Road cuts are great places to find Kentucky geodes (if you know where to look) because they expose the layers of rock that are normally hidden underground. When they’re building a road, especially in the mountain of Kentucky, they have to dig through the layers of rock and dirt, which can reveal geodes that have been buried for a long time. Plus, road cuts often go through areas where geodes are commonly found, such as volcanic ash beds or limestone formations.


Quarries are some of the easiest places to find geodes, (if you’re allowed to search in one) the quarrying process exposes layers of rock that are normally hidden underground. This process can reveal geodes that have been buried for a long time, plus, quarries often extract rock from areas where geodes are commonly found. So, if you can get permission to search in a quarry, it’s definitely worth a shot, you never know what you might find. And it’s a good way to get access to hard-to-reach geode deposits that are not accessible to the general public.

Common Geode-Hunting Questions

Purple amethyst geode that really sparkles

There are a few questions about searching for geodes in Kentucky that always come up and are worth answering here as well:

Where can you find amethyst geodes in Kentucky?

Finding an amethyst geode is a high point for many of us. Unfortunately, amethyst geodes do not occur naturally in Kentucky. The only place you will find one here is if you check out a great local rock and gem shop.

Is it illegal to collect geodes in Kentucky?

As long as you are obeying local collecting laws it is completely legal to collect geodes in Kentucky. Just be sure that you are observing any local regulations if you are on government land and getting permission if on private land.

The Best Places To Buy Geodes In Kentucky

Rocks and geodes available at Big Mike's Rock Shop in Cave City

Spending hours trekking out into the wilderness to find geodes isn’t for everyone. Sometimes you just want something beautiful for your collection or to put on your desk without all the effort.

These are our favorite local shops and other options to buy really cool geodes:

  • Big Mike’s Rock Shop – 566 Old Mammoth Cave Rd, Cave City, KY 42127
  • Amazon – Surprisingly there is actually a pretty good selection of geodes on Amazon. You can even find whole kits to for breaking open your own geodes including geodes to crack open.
  • Nice Rock Shop – 311 Broadway St, Paducah, KY 42001
  • Goldheart Stones and Such – 980 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204
  • Dimitridon Studios Rock Shop – 8321 E Main St, Alexandria, KY 41001
  • Sun Stones – 1207 S 6th St, Louisville, KY 40203

Additional places to find geodes in nearby states

Check out our guides for nearby states if you’ve already tried all of our suggestions above or if you’re planning a trip outside of the state:

If you have any recommendations for our list please leave a comment below!

About Keith Jackson - Geologist

Keith Jackson is an avid rockhound who is constantly exploring new sites to expand his collection. He is an active Geologist with a wealth of experience and information from across the country that he loves to share with the Rock Chasing crew.

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