The 13 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Looking for Geodes

By Dr. Keith Jackson - Geology PhD

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The 13 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Looking for Geodes

By Dr. Keith Jackson - Geology PhD


When people start hunting for geodes, they often make some common mistakes. One big error is not researching where to find these cool rocks, which can lead to a lot of wasted time.

Another mistake is not preparing properly for the hunt. This includes not bringing the right tools or forgetting to check the weather, which can make the hunt less enjoyable and even dangerous.

Things You Should Avoid When Looking for Geodes

When you’re getting ready to go on a hunt, there are some important things to remember. Knowing what to bring, what to stay away from, and what might happen can help a lot. This way, you can have fun and stay safe while you’re out exploring.

Not Researching Locations

person pointing at a map

Jumping into geode hunting without knowing where to look can lead to disappointment. Some places have a lot more geodes because of the rocks there. 

Not all areas are good for finding geodes, so it’s important to check first. Looking in the wrong spot can mean you miss out on finding any geodes at all.

People often forget to research the best spots for geode hunting. By doing a little homework, you can increase your chances of finding these cool rocks.

Ignoring Safety Precautions

work gloves and goggles

Not wearing the right safety gear, like gloves and goggles, is a big mistake when hunting for geodes. This oversight can easily lead to cuts or something getting in your eye.

Ignoring the type of ground and animals in the area can be dangerous too. You might trip on uneven ground or have a surprise encounter with a critter.

Forgetting to bring enough water and a first-aid kit is another common safety mistake. It’s important to stay hydrated and be able to handle small injuries on the spot.

Trespassing on Private Property

private property sign in a forest

Going onto someone else’s property to find geodes without asking can get you in trouble. It’s better to ask for permission first or just look in places where collecting geodes and other rocks allowed.

It’s also important to note that certain kinds of public property, such as national parks, are open to visitors. However, they may have specific rules about rock collecting.

Some might allow only a certain amount of rocks to be collected, while others prohibit rock collecting entirely.

Some people make the mistake of thinking they won’t get caught trespassing. But this can lead to fines or even being banned from the area.

Respecting property lines is a big part of geode hunting. Always make sure you’re in the right place by checking maps and signs.

Lack of Preparation

picks and shovels on the ground

Heading out to hunt for geodes without the right tools like a hammer, chisel, and bags can really slow you down. Not having what you need means you might not be able to take any geodes home with you.

Forgetting to bring enough water and snacks is another mistake that can make your hunt less fun. It’s important to stay hydrated and energized, especially if you’re out walking and searching for a long time.

Some people don’t plan for the weather, which can be a big problem. Wearing the wrong clothes for too hot or too cold weather can make your geode hunting trip uncomfortable or even unsafe.

Ignoring Environmental Impact

shovel in a hole in the ground

Digging holes in search of geodes and not bothering to fill them back in can hurt the environment. This kind of behavior can harm plants and animals that live in the area.

Taking geodes from places that are protected is not only wrong but can also get you into trouble. These areas are often home to rare plants and wildlife that need to be left undisturbed.

Some people forget to consider the impact their geode hunting might have on nature. It’s important to remember that our actions can affect the environment and the creatures that live in it.

Assuming All Rocks are Geodes

round brown rock

Thinking every rock you find could be a geode is a big mistake. It’s important to learn the differences, like how geodes are usually rounder and feel heavier for their size.

Some people pick up lots of rocks hoping they’ve found geodes, but end up disappointed. Knowing what to look for, such as a bumpy surface or a certain weight, can save you a lot of time.

Without knowing how to spot a potential geode, you might walk right past them. Taking the time to learn about their usual shapes and signs can really pay off during your hunt.

Overlooking Small or Unusual Geodes

four small geode rocks
Geodes provided by EternalEarthLLC

Many people hunting for geodes think the bigger, the better and skip over the small ones. But even small or weird-looking geodes can hide beautiful crystals.

Ignoring geodes that don’t look like what you expect is a common mistake. Sometimes, the most unusual or plain-looking rocks can surprise you with what’s inside.

It’s easy to think only the big geodes are worth anything, but that’s not true. Every geode, no matter its size or shape, has its own kind of cool secret.

Not Being Patient

shovel and a hole in the ground

Looking for geodes requires a lot of patience because you might not find one right away. If you rush and don’t take your time, you might walk right past a great find.

Sometimes, people get impatient and stop searching an area too quickly. This means they could miss out on discovering geodes just a few feet away.

Being patient is key when hunting for geodes. It’s important to carefully look through an area and not give up, even if it takes a while to find something.

Ignoring Local Knowledge

three hikers having a conversation

Skipping the chance to talk to people who know a lot about finding geodes in the area is a big mistake. They can share secrets about the best spots that you won’t find in a guidebook.

Local rockhounding clubs are full of people who love searching for geodes and they’re usually happy to help newcomers. By not joining in, you miss out on learning from their experiences and discoveries.

Ignoring advice from those who’ve been geode hunting in the area for years means you might not find as many cool rocks. These local experts know which spots are overpicked and which ones are hidden gems.


six geodes halves
Geodes provided by KatyDidRocks

Taking too many geodes from one place can hurt the spot for everyone else. It means there might not be any geodes left for others to find later.

When people take too many geodes, it can make the people who take care of the land put up rules that stop or limit collecting. This can ruin the fun for everyone who wants to look for geodes in the future.

Overharvesting is when people take more geodes than they need, thinking only about their own collection. This greediness can lead to fewer geodes for everyone and damage the natural beauty of the area.

Neglecting to Record Locations

person writing in a notebook

Not keeping track of where you find geodes means you might not be able to find that spot again. If you discover a good place, writing it down helps you and your friends go back.

Some people forget to mark the locations of their finds, which makes sharing those spots with other geode hunters hard. Knowing exactly where you found geodes can help others have a successful hunt too.

When hunters don’t record where they find their geodes, they miss the chance to see if certain spots get better over time. Keeping a log can also show you patterns in where geodes like to hide.

Improper Cleaning or Opening Techniques

brown unopened geode
Geode provided by RocksforSocks

Trying to open a geode by smashing it with a hammer can ruin what’s inside. It’s important to use gentle methods so you don’t break the beautiful crystals.

Cleaning geodes with harsh chemicals or scrubbing too hard can damage them. There are special ways to clean them without hurting the crystals inside the geode.

Lots of people don’t learn how to properly open or clean their geodes and end up disappointed. Taking the time to learn the right techniques can make all the difference in keeping your geodes looking great.

Ignoring Weather Conditions

two people hiking in the sunlight

Going out to look for geodes without checking the weather first can lead to trouble. If it suddenly gets too hot, cold, or starts raining, you might not be prepared.

Some people forget that the weather can change quickly, especially in certain places. This can turn a fun day into a tough situation if you’re not dressed right or don’t have shelter.

Not thinking about the weather can also make finding geodes harder. Wet ground might be slippery, and too much sun can make you too tired to keep looking.

About Dr. Keith Jackson - Geology PhD

Keith Jackson is an avid rockhound who is constantly exploring new sites to expand his collection. He has worked as a professional Geologist for over 20 years and holds a PhD in Geology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a Masters Degree in Geology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a Bachelors Degree in Geology from the University of Connecticut.

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