The Best Places To Find Jade In Wisconsin In 2025

By Keith Jackson - Geologist

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The Best Places To Find Jade In Wisconsin In 2025

By Keith Jackson - Geologist


Wisconsin might not be the first place you think of for finding jade, but authorities have confirmed that nephrite jade is indeed present in this beautiful state. We’re here to guide you through how to find jade in Wisconsin.

We know some of the best spots in Wisconsin to search for gems, including jade. Our experience has also taught us the best techniques and tips for a successful hunt.

We’ll help you understand what to look for and how to identify jade once you find it. With our guidance and a little bit of adventurous spirit, you’ll have better chances of success when searching for jade in Wisconsin’s unique geological landscapes.

What Is Wisconsin Jade Anyway?

green nephrite jade block
Nephrite jade provided by ARTelStones

Jade is a fascinating rock known for its toughness and beauty. Identifying jade involves looking for its smooth texture and vibrant colors, which can range from green to white or even purple.

There are two types of jade: nephrite and jadeite. Jadeite is the rarer and more colorful variety.

Jade often forms in metamorphic rocks. You’ll find it in places with lots of geological activity, like mountainous areas or regions where tectonic plates meet.

The value of jade can vary a lot, depending on its quality, color, and transparency. The most prized jade is usually a deep, translucent green, though jade that comes in other colors can also be quite valuable.

The Types Of Jade Found In Wisconsin

Nephrite is the only type of jade that can be found in Wisconsin. Nephrite jade has a range of colors, from deep greens to creamy whites.

For more insights, check out our discussion on crystal mining in Wisconsin. It’s packed with tips and insights on where and how to find crystals in the state.

How We Found The Best Jade Locations in Wisconsin
When it comes to choosing the best options for finding Wisconsin Jade there are plenty of things we consider. Many of the best locations are closely guarded secrets which can make it really difficult for more casual jade hunters to find success. The key factors in our recommendations are:

  • The deep experience and understanding of our team about the area
  • Recommendations from local groups and clubs
  • How easy it is to get the a particular location
  • Safety and potential hazards when collecting
  • Weighing private and public locations
  • The ability for both experienced and novice geode enthusiasts to find great samples

With these factors in mind we’ve been able to put together a fantastic list that just about anyone can use!

The Best Places To Find Jade in Wisconsin

dark green nephrite jade slab with white veins
Nephrite jade provided by JadeMineCanada

Jade hunting can be tough; it requires patience, a keen eye, and a bit of luck. Having the right guidance is key to successfully uncovering these hidden gems.

For those interested in exploring more, we have a great resource on how to mine gems in Wisconsin. It’s filled with helpful tips and insights that can make your gem-hunting journey even more rewarding.

Always Confirm Access and Collection Rules!

Before heading out to any of the locations on our list you need to confirm access requirements and collection rules for both public and private locations directly with the location. We haven’t personally verified every location and the access requirements and collection rules often change without notice.

Many of the locations we mention will not allow collecting but are still great places for those who love to find beautiful rocks and minerals in the wild without keeping them. We also can’t guarantee you will find anything in these locations since they are constantly changing. 

Always get updated information directly from the source ahead of time to ensure responsible rockhounding. If you want even more current options it’s always a good idea to contact local rock and mineral clubs and groups

Marathon County

marshes with trees

Marathon County has a varied terrain, including rolling hills, flat plains, and forested areas. It also has a rich glacial history. These glaciers left behind a mix of materials, including rocks and soil.

The geology of Marathon County is notable for its variety of rocks and minerals. But what’s truly exciting for us is the discovery of nephrite jade in the bedrock. There were no known jade deposits in Wisconsin before this discovery, which is why it’s exciting.

The jade that’s been found in Marathon County has been confirmed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey as genuine. 

For anyone interested in exploring and collecting rocks here, it’s important to remember to check with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

They have guidelines and rules on rock collecting to protect nature and ensure that we’re all enjoying this hobby responsibly.

Where we found jade in Marathon County

Nephrite in this county was discovered in the Little Rib River Area, in the outcrops along the river and the riverbanks.

Rock pick being used

The tools every gem hunter will need

When you're out looking for gems it's very important that you bring the right tools with you. You don't need a lot for most trips but there are a handful that are critical and will make your life a lot easier.

We get asked a lot about the equipment we use. Over the years we've found a handful of tools that we recommend to both new and experienced gem miners which we outline in great detail in our complete rockhound supplies guide. These are quality options that also happen to be relatively inexpensive.

Below are the basic tools that make your life so much easier and save you a ton of time. Check out the full guide to see everything we recommend bringing.

One quick note, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases but we try very hard to only recommend gear we would use ourselves and often recommend brands you can't find on Amazon.At a minimum you should have:

1 - Sturdy rock hammer: The Estwing Rock Pick is our standard

2 - Rugged chisels: Try Kendo' 3-piece Chisel Set

3 - Compact shovel: The Koleiya 28-inch shovel works well

4 - Rock screen pan: The Wazakura Soil Sieve Set fits the bill

5 - Eye protection: DeWalt Safety Glasses are cheap and comfortable

6 - Head protection: Malta's Safety Helmet has been our go-to

7 - Jewelers lens with at least 20x magnification: Jarlink's Jewelers Loop is perfect

The gem-finding books that we use most

There are also a few books that have been extremely helpful in the search for gems. These books have great recommendations and tips:

National Audubon Society Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals: North America 

Northeast Treasure Hunter's Gem & Mineral Guide 

Earth Treasures: The Northeastern Quadrant 

We provide links to find these tools on Amazon but some can also be found at your local hardware stores. For more recommendations check out the link to our full tool guide above.

Common Jade-Hunting Questions

rough nephrite jade
Nephrite jade provided by mussaminerals

These are the most common questions that people have about finding jade in Wisconsin:

Is it illegal to collect jade in Wisconsin?

For anyone thinking about where to mine for jade, it’s important to know that you can’t just pick up rocks anywhere.

In Wisconsin, collecting jade isn’t illegal, but there are rules and regulations to follow. Certain areas are off-limits, like state parks and nature reserves, where removing any natural materials is not allowed.

When you’re on private land, you need the landowner’s permission to collect jade or any other rocks. This is a must, as taking anything without permission could be considered theft.

If you’re on public lands, like national forests, there might be specific guidelines about what and how much you can collect. Usually, these rules are meant to make sure that we don’t harm the natural environment or take too much.

Another thing to remember is that commercial collecting, where you plan to sell what you find, often has stricter rules. You might need a permit for this.

Recreational collecting, where it’s just for fun and personal enjoyment, usually has more relaxed rules.

The Best Places To Buy Jade In Wisconsin

exterior of a brick building
Burnie’s Rock Shop

In Wisconsin, we’ve come across some great shops where you can buy jade. These are our favorite shops:

About Keith Jackson - Geologist

Keith Jackson is an avid rockhound who is constantly exploring new sites to expand his collection. He is an active Geologist with a wealth of experience and information from across the country that he loves to share with the Rock Chasing crew.

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