The 59 Legit Spots To Find Agates In California In 2025

By Keith Jackson - Geologist

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The 59 Legit Spots To Find Agates In California In 2025

By Keith Jackson - Geologist


Agate displays a spectacle of intricate patterns on a glossy structure. Each piece of this gem is a unique masterstroke of nature. With its bands of colors swaying between soft earth tones and radiant hues, it has inspired awe and admiration among collectors, jewelers, and art enthusiasts worldwide.

Agate’s appeal also triggers a certain charm among rockhounds. If you’re one of those who were captured by its irresistible allure, you better know that finding agate in California can be challenging without proper guidance. It takes a keen eye and an experienced hand just to identify promising locations.

That’s why we did extensive research and explored our state to discover the legit spots where you can find California agates. With this helpful guide, you can uncover your own unique pieces of this natural wonder. Are you ready?

What is California Agate?

Flower agate specimen clearly showing flower-like inclusions while held by a hand
Flower agate photo provided by and available for purchase at NEWMOONCRYSTALLTD

Agate, a semi-precious gemstone, is a variety of microcrystalline quartz called chalcedony. It’s recognized for its characteristic banding patterns. These layers occur in a wide array of colors and are a result of mineral impurities in the silica gel that hardened over time.

Agates form primarily within volcanic rocks or ancient lavas, where they fill the cavities of decomposed minerals. They are typically found in locations where past volcanic activity has occurred or where water bodies have existed, as these conditions support their formation.

Globally, agates are commonly discovered in countries like Mexico, Brazil, India, Australia, and the United States, including California. Its awesome looks and appeal make it a reasonably prized gemstone. If you want to know more about agate’s value and worth, you can read about it in our article.

Moss Agates

Moss agate exhibits inclusions that resemble moss or other types of vegetation. These “mossy” inclusions are typically formed by minerals like manganese or iron, which create green, blue, or red patterns within the stone. It’s often prized by collectors for its organic appearance and its intricate details.

California has a rich geological diversity that includes moss agate. However, it’s not very common here. Most of its specimens are sourced instead from India, Brazil, Uruguay, and the western regions of the U.S., like Montana and Wyoming.

Fire Agates

Fire agate is a breathtaking type that’s revered for its fiery iridescence. It showcases a mesmerizing play of light, with colors ranging from reds, oranges, and browns to greens and purples. It often resembles the flicker of flames or the luminescence of sunset. Its hardness makes it great for jewelry and ornamental use.

Fortunately for you, fire agate can be found in California! Specifically, our desert regions are known to have deposits of this gem, since its formation is associated with volcanic activity.

Blue Lace Agates

Blue lace agate is known for its stunning light blue color and delicate, lace-like banding patterns. Its serene color palette, often ranging from sky blue to lavender, along with its intricate white or light blue bands, evokes an impression of tranquility and grace. It’s often used in jewelry and healing practices.

Unfortunately, this particular type is not commonly found in California. Blue lace agate has a fairly-specific formation process, which does not align well with our state’s geological history and conditions.

Flower Agates

Flower agate is a relatively new find in the realm of gemstones. As its name suggests, this type exhibits inclusions that resemble beautiful blossoms. These “flowers” are actually formations of manganese and other trace minerals. Its pale pink or peach-colored background adds to its gentle, soothing aesthetic.

Although rare, flower agates can be found in a certain location in California, particularly in the Hills of Brown’s Rance.

Plume Agates

Plume agate is noted for its plume-like inclusions, which resemble delicate feathers, plants, or smoke trapped within the stone. This gemstone is particularly valued by collectors and artisans due to its unique beauty and the vivid imagery it can inspire. Each plume agate is like a miniature work of art.

Plume agate exists in California, although not in abundance. It can be found specifically at Mercy Springs in Merced County.

Red Agates

Red agate is a beautiful variety that’s renowned for its vibrant, warm hues. Its color varies from a light, clear orange to an intense, almost opaque dark red or brown, and is typically banded. It has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings, and it is often associated with courage, confidence, and action in various cultures.

California is home to red agate, although it may not be as abundant here as in some other states or regions of the world.

Banded Agates

Banded agate is one of the most iconic and widely-recognized forms of agate. True to its name, it’s characterized by layers or ‘bands’ of contrasting colors. Its beauty and distinctiveness make it a favorite among gem enthusiasts and collectors. It has been used throughout history in jewelry, crafts, and as healing stones.

California is a great hunting ground for Banded Agate. Our state’s terrain, influenced by volcanic activities and hydrothermal actions in the past, provides the right conditions for its formation.

Aside from agates, several other natural wonders exist in our state as evidenced by the many crystal mining sites in California, as we’ve discussed in this article.

How We Know About Great Locations For Agate in California
With agates being so beautiful you can image that the best spots are not always advertised widely. In fact, it isn’t unusual for good places to find agates to be secrets known by just a few locals. Fortunately, you do know someone who has been around the block!

The key factors in our recommendations are:

  • The deep experience and understanding of our team about the area
  • Recommendations from local groups and clubs
  • How easy it is to get the a particular location
  • Safety and potential hazards when collecting
  • Weighing private and public locations
  • The ability for both experienced and novice agate enthusiasts to find great samples

With these factors in mind we’ve been able to put together a fantastic list that just about anyone can use!


While you're out searching for Agates you're going to find A LOT of other interesting rocks and minerals along the way. The last thing you want to do is toss out something really interesting or valuable. It can be easy to misidentify things without a little guidance.

We've put together a fantastic field guide that makes identifying 140 of the most interesting and valuable rocks and minerals you will find REALLY EASY. It's simple to use, really durable, and will allow you to identify just about any rock and mineral you come across. Make sure you bring it along on your hunt!

The Best Spots To Find Agates in California

A stunning rough fire agate with flame-like details

If you aim to find different kinds of gemstones in our state, you can visit our article on the gem mining sites in California. But if you have a laser focus on finding agates, here are our top recommended sites for your visit here:

Always Confirm Access and Collection Rules!

Before heading out to any of the locations on our list you need to confirm access requirements and collection rules for both public and private locations directly with the location. We haven’t personally verified every location and the access requirements and collection rules often change without notice.

Many of the locations we mention will not allow collecting but are still great places for those who love to find beautiful rocks and minerals in the wild without keeping them. We also can’t guarantee you will find anything in these locations since they are constantly changing. 

Always get updated information directly from the source ahead of time to ensure responsible rockhounding. If you want even more current options it’s always a good idea to contact local rock and mineral clubs and groups

Kern County

View of the Greenhorn Mountain Park, one of the agate-bearing sites in Kern County, from the road

Kern County is a unique part of California that’s full of different kinds of landscapes. Located at the southern tip of the Central Valley, it has a mix of farmlands, deserts, and mountains. To the east, you’ll see the high peaks of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and to the west, there’s the Temblor Range.

Because of its location and mix of landscapes, Kern County hosts many kinds of rocks and minerals— including agates.

Reaching this county is pretty easy. It’s well-connected with major cities like Los Angeles and Fresno by highways and buses. But before you head out, make sure to review California’s most updated collecting guidelines. At the end of the day, we don’t only aim to take home our finds but to ensure sustainable rockhounding.

Where we found agates in Kern County

As home to abundant deposits of different types of agate, Kern County has plenty of specific spots up for your exploration, such as:

  • Castle Butte
  • Greenhorn Mountain Park
  • All surrounding regions in Mojave
  • Hills of Brown’s Ranch
  • Area surfaces of Red Rock Canyon
  • Many prospects in Gem Hill
  • Regional surfaces of Wheeler Springs
  • Cache Creek Canyon
  • El Paso Mountains and the surrounding area

Mule Mountains

Distant view of the Mule Mountains foregrounded by thick trees

Mule Mountains are part of the Mojave Desert, which means they have a mix of hills, valleys, and lots of desert plants. They’re named after the wild mules that used to roam the area.

What’s really cool about these mountains is what’s underneath their surface. The Mule Mountains have a rich geology with lots of different kinds of rocks and minerals, including your coveted agates.

You can get to this spot by taking a drive from Los Angeles or Las Vegas. It might take a few hours, but the trip is worth it. Once you’re here, the terrain can be a bit rough, so it’s a good idea to have a map and a sturdy pair of shoes.

Where we found agates in Mule Mountains

You can explore the different nooks and crannies of Mule Mountains to find stunning specimens of agate, especially the amusing fire agate.

San Bernardino County

Wide view of the amazing rock formations at Sperry Wash, an agate-bearing site in San Bernardino County

San Bernardino County is full of all sorts of landscapes. It has mountains, valleys, deserts, and even forests! On one side, you’ll see the tall peaks of the San Bernardino Mountains, and on the other, the hot, sandy Mojave Desert.

Once you’re here, you’ll find a mix of city areas and wide-open spaces that are perfect for exploring. These areas, mixed with the county’s different terrains, make it a great place for finding a variety of rocks and minerals, including different types of agate.

If you want to go here, getting to San Bernardino County is a piece of cake. It’s well-connected to major cities like Los Angeles by highways and public transport, so you won’t have any trouble reaching it.

Where we found agates in San Bernardino County

One visit in San Bernardino County will allow you to explore different spots where agates abound, such as the following:

  • Kramer Hills along the US 95 area
  • Sperry Wash
  • Owlhead Mountains
  • Eagle Crags
  • Leadpipe Springs
  • Dirt road in Barstow
  • Pisgah Crater
  • Lanfair area
  • Old mine dumps in Ludlow
  • Afton Canyon in Cady Mountains
  • Area dry washes, hillsides of Needles
  • Wingate Pass area

Tick Canyon

Aerial view of the interesting terrain of Tick Canyon

Tick Canyon is an interesting spot in southern California. It’s located in Los Angeles County, near the city of Santa Clarita. As a canyon, it has steep sides and a flat bottom formed by years and years of water erosion. The terrain is rugged and full of scrubby plants, rocks, and dirt paths.

One awesome thing about Tick Canyon is its geology. It’s known for its deposits of agate. It’s also known for the plethora of outdoor activities you can do here, so if you’re into hiking, exploring, and rock hunting, it’s definitely a place to check out.

If you’re going here from Los Angeles, it’s only about an hour’s drive north. The area can be hilly and a bit tough to walk around, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring lots of water.

Where we found agates on Tick Canyon

You can explore the different areas of Tick Canyon, where you can find stunning specimens of banded agate.

Crescent City

Aerial view of a beach in Crescent City with strong waves and rock formations

Crescent City is a neat place right along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It’s named after the crescent-shaped stretch of sandy beach south of the city. Its terrain is really varied— you’ve got the ocean, beautiful beaches, forests, and even mountains not too far away.

The area around Crescent City is really special, not just because of the mix of beaches and forests, but also because of the rocks and minerals you can find. One of those is agate. If you look carefully, especially after a storm, you can find these gemstones right on the beaches around the city.

Getting here takes a bit longer than in other places because it’s tucked up near the top of our state. If you’re coming from San Francisco, it’s about a six-hour drive north. But don’t worry, the journey is full of beautiful sights!

Where we found agates in Crescent City

The beautiful beaches of Crescent City are not only for sightseeing and swimming but for great agate-hunting adventure, too.

Other Great Places To Find Agates in California

An intricate piece of sagenitic agate

In case you’ve already been to some of our top recommended sites and want to extend your search for agate here, below are more legit spots where you can find them. We’ve arranged these spots by county for your convenient reference.

Our recommendations by county

County Location
Alameda Fish Ranch Road
Calaveras Hooten Ranch
Calaveras Marie Costa Ranch
Calaveras Ed Hale Property
Contra Costa Ditch cuts on Skyline Boulevard
Fresno Fresno area gravel pits
Fresno Panoche Pass
Humboldt Beaches in Patrick’s Point State Park
Imperial North on either side of Indian Pass
Imperial Area surfaces of Cargo Muchacho and Chocolate Mountains
Imperial Palo Verde Pass
Imperial Hauser geode beds
Inyo Deadman Pass road
Lassen Stephens Ranch
Los Angeles Hillsides and washes in Action
Los Angeles Sir’Kegian gem beds in Escondido Canyon
Los Angeles Coast Highway in Calabasas
Los Angeles Little Rock Dam and Neary Quarry
Los Angeles Malaga Cove
Merced Mercy Springs
Modoc Fandango Pass between Fort Bidwell and Pine Creek
Modoc Goose Lake
Nevada Pilot Hill
Nevada Sailor Flat
Riverside Gravels west of Blythe
Riverside Railroad tracks and hills of Siam Crossing
San Luis Obispo Area fields east of US 101
San Luis Obispo Area farms toward the ocean in Nipomo
Santa Clara Guadalupe Mine
Siskiyou Agate Flat
Siskiyou Jenny Creek

Additional areas you can find agates

We recommend paying extra attention to the following areas where agates usually abound, especially if you’re planning to explore spots that cover wide or broad bases:

Streams and Creeks

Streams and creeks in California are some of the best places to hunt for agates. These gems form deep inside the earth and, over time, water helps to move them downstream. As the streams and creeks flow, they carry along these beautiful rocks, smoothing their edges and sometimes depositing them in gravelly areas.

This is especially true after a big rainstorm. The water churns up the creek beds and uncovers new agates that were buried.

Road Cuts

Road cuts in California are like unexpected treasure troves for rock collectors. When roads are built through hilly or mountainous areas, the construction often cuts through layers of rock. This often reveals hidden gems, like agates.

Since agates are heavier and harder than many other rocks, they can often be found here. What’s even more fun is that road cuts are like ever-changing treasure sites. Erosion from wind and rain can expose new agates over time.


Another site you should definitely check out for agate is the beach. Agates are formed deep within the earth and over time, they get carried away by rivers and end up in the sea. Waves then wash these beautiful rocks up onto the beach.

Hunting for agates on the beach after a storm is another thing. The rough waves can uncover new specimens that were hidden in the sand, so you can often find them sparkling in the sunlight after a good rainstorm.

Common Agate-Hunting Questions

Fascinating specimen of dendritic agate

In this section, we’ll answer the most common question when it comes to finding agate in California:

Is it illegal to collect agate in California?

It’s legal to collect agate in most areas of California, for as long as you abide by our local collecting guidelines. For starters, make sure you’re familiar with any area-specific rules and regulations in the spot you’ll visit. Also, secure any necessary permit or permission before starting your exploration.

The Best Places To Buy Agates In California

Front view of Rock Mama Gallery's building

Finding California agate is no easy feat. If you want an easier way of taking home a stunning gemstone, you may visit our trusted local gem stores. Many offer great selections of different rocks and minerals, including various types of agates.

Some of the best one we highly recommend are the following:

If you have any recommendations for our list please leave a comment below!

About Keith Jackson - Geologist

Keith Jackson is an avid rockhound who is constantly exploring new sites to expand his collection. He is an active Geologist with a wealth of experience and information from across the country that he loves to share with the Rock Chasing crew.

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